While you are welcome to comment on any of our posts, we have designed this page specifically for Marion County Missouri genealogy queries.

A few basic rules for posting your query:

  • Your query must have an Marion county connection or it will not be posted.
  • Please do not post queries for tracing living individuals.
  • Please do not post information on living individuals.
  • Please be specific, do not just list a surname in your query.
  • Please be sure to include at least one date in your query, even if its approximate. (See example)
  • Please use capitalization on surname only. (See example)

Example of a good query: Looking for information on John DOE, b: abt 1842 in GA, d: unk. Family tradition has it that John came to Marion County abt 1885 with friends he fought with in the Civil War.

I invite you to enter a query for your Marion County ancestors by commenting below!