Accompanied by Dr. E.T. Swan, we visited officials at the Mark Twain CCC Camp at Florida Wednesday evening and were taken on an inspection tour of the camp by Cloyd A. Downs, Company Corp Commander of Camp No. 1743, Harvey Rea, Quartermaster Representative from Jefferson Barracks, and Elmer Squires, subaltern officer. They showed us stacks of blankets neatly tied up, stacks of clothing, dozens of overshoes in cloth bags, stoves, tools, and much other usable material which will be turned over to the Army. They assured us that nothing which was usable had been destroyed when the camp was ordered closed. Mr. Ernest West showed us Friday morning all of the tires and tubes which he had been charged with and they will also go to the Army.
Any of the property of the camp which was given away or disposed of was either not usable any more to the government or it was property which belonged to and had been paid for by the members of the camp from time to time.
Submitted by Mary Beth Greening Kirtlink
Source: Perry Enterprise, August 6, 1942
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